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Married by Jay



Servicing Brisbane, Gold Coast, South East Queensland, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba

Celebrant & MC 'Printing love stories into childrens books & more.

OH hi you found me.

I am Jay, the one and only celebrant doing things differently from creating stories from your lounge-room picnic to printing that love story into a children’s book for you to keep and share forever. 

I come from the 9-5 corporate banking world and 4 years ago. I took the leap of faith in making being a celebrant & MC my full-time gig and when they say the grass isn’t greener. OH, it’s not. It is lush, watered and allows me to be creative in all the best ways. 

I bring calming energy with a twist of Sass (yep) and the ability to bring your guests up when I need them to get involved and back down when I need them to just sit back and take it all in. 

While I am a little quirky and know how to work a room, I am also there to keep you both on point, settled and in the moment.

My goal is simple, your guests should be asking me how long I have known you because I know so much and in the mix they get to hear how it all began, what’s happened in between and all the antics you have both been up to ever since; along with the ‘what the moments, the things you love and the things you will vow to keep doing even if you don’t want to.

If you see the ceremony as just a box to be ticked, I’m probably not for you, but if you see it as an essential beginning, the part that sets the tone for the rest of the day and the beginning of your marriage. I’m all yours.